Percentage Calculator (2024)

Calculator Use

Find a percentage or work out the percentage given numbers and percent values. Use percent formulas to figure out percentages and unknowns in equations. Add or subtract a percentage from a number or solve the equations.

How to Calculate Percentages

There are many formulas for percentage problems. You can think of the most basic as X/Y = P x 100. The formulas below are all mathematical variations of this formula.

Let's explore the three basic percentage problems. X and Y are numbers and P is the percentage:

  1. Find P percent of X
  2. Find what percent of X is Y
  3. Find X if P percent of it is Y

Read on to learn more about how to figure percentages.

1. How to calculate percentage of a number. Use the percentage formula: P% * X = Y

Example: What is 10% of 150?

  • Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: P% * X = Y
  • P is 10%, X is 150, so the equation is 10% * 150 = Y
  • Convert 10% to a decimal by removing the percent sign and dividing by 100: 10/100 = 0.10
  • Substitute 0.10 for 10% in the equation: 10% * 150 = Y becomes 0.10 * 150 = Y
  • Do the math: 0.10 * 150 = 15
  • Y = 15
  • So 10% of 150 is 15
  • Double check your answer with the original question: What is 10% of 150? Multiply 0.10 * 150 = 15

2. How to find what percent of X is Y. Use the percentage formula: Y/X = P%

Example: What percent of 60 is 12?

  • Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: Y/X = P%
  • X is 60, Y is 12, so the equation is 12/60 = P%
  • Do the math: 12/60 = 0.20
  • Important! The result will always be in decimal form, not percentage form. You need to multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.
  • Converting 0.20 to a percent: 0.20 * 100 = 20%
  • So 20% of 60 is 12.
  • Double check your answer with the original question: What percent of 60 is 12? 12/60 = 0.20, and multiplying by 100 to get percentage, 0.20 * 100 = 20%

3. How to find X if P percent of it is Y. Use the percentage formula Y/P% = X

Example: 25 is 20% of what number?

  • Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: Y/P% = X
  • Y is 25, P% is 20, so the equation is 25/20% = X
  • Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100.
  • Converting 20% to a decimal: 20/100 = 0.20
  • Substitute 0.20 for 20% in the equation: 25/0.20 = X
  • Do the math: 25/0.20 = X
  • X = 125
  • So 25 is 20% of 125
  • Double check your answer with the original question: 25 is 20% of what number? 25/0.20 = 125

Remember: How to convert a percentage to a decimal

  • Remove the percentage sign and divide by 100
  • 15.6% = 15.6/100 = 0.156

Remember: How to convert a decimal to a percentage

  • Multiply by 100 and add a percentage sign
  • 0.876 = 0.876 * 100 = 87.6%

Percentage Problems

There are nine variations on the three basic problems involving percentages. See if you can match your problem to one of the samples below. The problem formats match the input fields in the calculator above. Formulas and examples are included.

What is P percent of X?

  • Written as an equation: Y = P% * X
  • The 'what' is Y that we want to solve for
  • Remember to first convert percentage to decimal, dividing by 100
  • Solution: Solve for Y using the percentage formula
    Y = P% * X

Example: What is 10% of 25?

  • Written using the percentage formula: Y = 10% * 25
  • First convert percentage to a decimal 10/100 = 0.1
  • Y = 0.1 * 25 = 2.5
  • So 10% of 25 is 2.5

Y is what percent of X?

  • Written as an equation: Y = P% ? X
  • The 'what' is P% that we want to solve for
  • Divide both sides by X to get P% on one side of the equation
  • Y ÷ X = (P% ? X) ÷ X becomes Y ÷ X = P%, which is the same as P% = Y ÷ X
  • Solution: Solve for P% using the percentage formula
    P% = Y ÷ X

Example: 12 is what percent of 40?

  • Written using the formula: P% = 12 ÷ 40
  • P% = 12 ÷ 40 = 0.3
  • Convert the decimal to percent
  • P% = 0.3 × 100 = 30%
  • So 12 is 30% of 40

Y is P percent of what?

  • Written as an equation: Y = P% * X
  • The 'what' is X that we want to solve for
  • Divide both sides by P% to get X on one side of the equation
  • Y ÷ P% = (P% × X) ÷ P% becomes Y ÷ P% = X, which is the same as X = Y ÷ P%
  • Solution: Solve for X using the percentage formula
    X = Y ÷ P%

Example: 9 is 60% of what?

  • Writen using the formula: X = 9 ÷ 60%
  • Convert percent to decimal
  • 60% ÷ 100 = 0.6
  • X = 9 ÷ 0.6
  • X = 15
  • So 9 is 60% of 15

What percent of X is Y?

  • Written as an equation: P% * X = Y
  • The 'what' is P% that we want to solve for
  • Divide both sides by X to get P% on one side of the equation
  • (P% * X) ÷ X = Y ÷ X becomes P% = Y ÷ X
  • Solution: Solve for P% using the percentage formula
    P% = Y ÷ X

Example: What percent of 27 is 6?

  • Written using the formula: P% = 6 ÷ 27
  • 6 ÷ 27 = 0.2222
  • Convert decimal to percent
  • P% = 0.2222 × 100
  • P% = 22.22%
  • So 22.22% of 27 is 6

P percent of what is Y?

  • Written as an equation: P% × X = Y
  • The 'what' is X that we want to solve for
  • Divide both sides by P% to get X on one side of the equation
  • (P% × X) ÷ P% = Y ÷ P% becomes X = Y ÷ P%
  • Solution: Solve for X using the percentage formula
    X = Y ÷ P%

Example: 20% of what is 7?

  • Written using the formula: X = 7 ÷ 20%
  • Convert the percent to a decimal
  • 20% ÷ 100 = 0.2
  • X = 7 ÷ 0.2
  • X = 35
  • So 20% of 35 is 7.

P percent of X is what?

  • Written as an equation: P% * X = Y
  • The 'what' is Y that we want to solve for
  • Solution: Solve for Y using the percentage formula
    Y = P% * X

Example: 5% of 29 is what?

  • Written using the formula: 5% * 29 = Y
  • Convert the percent to a decimal
  • 5% ÷ 100 = 0.05
  • Y = 0.05 * 29
  • Y = 1.45
  • So 5% of 29 is 1.45

Y of what is P percent?

  • Written as an equation: Y / X = P%
  • The 'what' is X that we want to solve for
  • Multiply both sides by X to get X out of the denominator
  • (Y / X) * X = P% * X becomes Y = P% * X
  • Divide both sides by P% so that X is on one side of the equation
  • Y ÷ P% = (P% * X) ÷ P% becomes Y ÷ P% = X
  • Solution: Solve for X using the percentage formula
    X = Y ÷ P%

Example: 4 of what is 12%?

  • Written using the formula: X = 4 ÷ 12%
  • Solve for X: X = Y ÷ P%
  • Convert the percent to a decimal
  • 12% ÷ 100 = 0.12
  • X = 4 ÷ 0.12
  • X = 33.3333
  • 4 of 33.3333 is 12%

What of X is P percent?

  • Written as an equation: Y / X = P%
  • The 'what' is Y that we want to solve for
  • Multiply both sides by X to get Y on one side of the equation
  • (Y ÷ X) * X = P% * X becomes Y = P% * X
  • Solution: Solve for Y using the percentage formula
    Y = P% * X

Example: What of 25 is 11%?

  • Written using the formula: Y = 11% * 25
  • Convert the percent to a decimal
  • 11% ÷ 100 = 0.11
  • Y = 0.11 * 25
  • Y = 2.75
  • So 2.75 of 25 is 11%

Y of X is what percent?

  • Written as an equation: Y / X = P%
  • The 'what' is P% that we want to solve for
  • Solution: Solve for P% using the percentage formula
    P% = Y / X

Example: 9 of 13 is what percent?

  • Written using the formula: P% = Y / X
  • 9 ÷ 13 = P%
  • 9 ÷ 13 = 0.6923
  • Convert decimal to percent by multiplying by 100
  • 0.6923 * 100 = 69.23%
  • 9 ÷ 13 = 69.23%
  • So 9 of 13 is 69.23%

Related Calculators

Find the change in percentage as an increase or decrease using the Percentage Change Calculator.

Solve decimal to percentage conversions with our Decimal to Percent Calculator.

Convert from percentage to decimals with the Percent to Decimal Calculator.

If you need to convert between fractions and percents see our Fraction to Percent Calculator, or our Percent to Fraction Calculator.


Weisstein, Eric W. "Percent." From MathWorld -- A Wolfram Web Resource.

Percentage Calculator (2024)


How do I calculate a percentage of an amount? ›

To calculate the percentage of a number out of the total number, just use the formula number / total number × 100. An increase or decrease in any quantity can be expressed as a percentage.

How do I calculate my percentage? ›

Two simple steps give you the percentage of marks. They are: Step 1: Divide the obtained marks by the maxim marks of the test. Step 2: Multiply the result by 100.

How do I calculate a percentage between two numbers? ›

The percentage difference between two values is calculated by dividing the absolute value of the difference between two numbers by the average of those two numbers. Multiplying the result by 100 will yield the solution in percent, rather than decimal form.

How do you calculate 10% of $1000? ›

Finally, simplify the equation to solve for . Multiply 10 by 1000 and divide both sides by 100. Hence, 10% of 1000 is 100.

How to quickly calculate percentages? ›

Divide the part by the whole and multiply the result by 100. The student got 70% of the answers correct.

How do I convert an amount to a percentage? ›

To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100 (just move the decimal point 2 places to the right). For example, 0.065 = 6.5% and 3.75 = 375%. To find a percentage of a number, say 30% of 40, just multiply. For example, (30/100)(40) = 0.3 x 40 = 12.

What is the formula to calculate average percentage? ›

Divide the sum of the percentages by the sum of the total products produced from each category. So, 615 divided by 900 is equal to 0.68. Multiply this decimal by 100 to get the average percentage. So, 0.68 times 100 equals 68, or 68%.

How to calculate percentage off? ›

To calculate the discount percentage, first, the discount price needs to be determined. The discount price is equal to the difference between the original price and the final selling price. Then, the discount percentage can be found by dividing the discount price by the original price and multiplying the result by 100.

How do you find the percentage one number is to another? ›

If using a calculator, you can calculate one number as a percentage of another by dividing the numbers and multiplying by 100.

How to calculate percentage? ›

To calculate a percentage, you typically divide the part (the smaller value) by the whole (the larger value), and then multiply the result by 100. This gives you the percentage value as a number between 0 and 100.

What's 20% out of 1000? ›

Solution. After multiplying, you see that 20% of 1,000 is 200. Thus, 20% of a $1,000 bill is $200.

How much is 5% out of 1000? ›

Percent = ∴ 5% of 1000 is 50.

How do you calculate an amount as a percentage of another amount? ›

Let us calculate what percentage is 30 out of 45. For this, we divide the part (30) by the whole (45) and multiply the result by 100. This gives 30/45 × 100 = 66.67%. So, 30 is 66.67% of 45.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.