Johannes Vermeer, Life and work - Google Arts & Culture (2024)

The Art of Painting (1666/1668) by Jan VermeerKunsthistorisches Museum Wien

painter in a Golden Age

Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) is often considered to be one of the ‘pearls’ amongst 17th-century Dutch painters. He was born in Delft, a city in the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. The period was characterised by great economic prosperity, which is why it is also known as the Golden Age. Painting flourished under these favourable conditions. Vermeer’s The Allegory of Painting is one of the most significant works in his oeuvre. As part of this ode to his profession, he included a map of the prosperous Republic.

View of Delft (c. 1660 - 1661) by Vermeer, JohannesMauritshuis

The young Johannes
On 31 October 1632, Reynier Jansz (c. 1591-1652) and Digna Baltens (c. 1595-1670) had their newborn son christened with the name ‘Joannis’ in the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft. The name of the little boy was set to echo through the ages, as he grew into a painting virtuoso: the ‘Master of Light’. Slightly less than 30 years after his christening, Johannes depicted the Nieuwe Kerk in his now world-famous work View of Delft.

A Young Woman standing at a Virginal A Young Woman standing at a Virginal (about 1670-2) by Johannes VermeerThe National Gallery, London

Johannes and Delft
Delft was a hub for trade with Asia and America, and had thriving textile and earthenware industries. Inspired by the Chinese porcelain that merchants brought back from Asia, factories in Delft produced white glazed earthenware decorated with blue paint: Delft Blue. Vermeer depicted Delftware tiles in many of his interior scenes, such as here in the room of A Young Woman standing at a Virginal.

View of Houses in Delft, Known as ‘The Little Street’ (ca.1658) by Vermeer, JohannesRijksmuseum

A small but exquisite

Vermeer left a surprisingly small oeuvre: there are currently only 36 known paintings by the artist. He had a low rate of production, and he used the most expensive painting materials for his works. This suggests that he served the higher segment of the art market. Throughout his life, he sold many of his works to Pieter Claesz van Ruijven (1624-1674), a wealthy art collector. In an auction of paintings owned by his son-in-law Jacob Dissius (1653-1695), 21 works were sold. These included the renowned The Little Street, Girl with a Pearl Earring and The Lacemaker, but also several paintings that nowadays are nowhere to be found, such as a second The Little Street.

Son of a jack of all trades
Johannes’ father, Reynier Jansz, was a versatile man. He earned his living as a silk satin (caffa) weaver, but was also an innkeeper and registered as an art dealer at the Guild of Saint Luke in Delft, the trade association for painters. He traded from an inn called De Vliegende Vos (The Flying Fox) on the Voldersgracht in Delft, close to the building that housed the painters’ guild. In 1641, he and his family moved to Huis Mechelen further down the canal. In this new house, he once again ran an inn and art dealership.

View of the Market (c. 1720) by J. RademakerMauritshuis

In his father’s footsteps
Following his father’s death in 1652, the 20-year-old Johannes took over the art dealership and the inn. A year later, he registered himself as a ‘Master painter’ at the Guild of Saint Luke. It is possible that his father’s history with the guild inspired Johannes to become a painter. However, we cannot be certain when and from whom Vermeer learned the profession.

The Mechelen Inn, detail from J. Rademaker's View of the Market, c. 1720. Delft, City Archives

Woman Holding a Balance (c. 1664) by Johannes VermeerNational Gallery of Art, Washington DC

A desirable match
On 20 April 1653, Johannes married a Catholic woman called Catharina Bolnes (c. 1631-1688). Catharina was the youngest daughter of Maria Thins (c. 1593-1680) and Reynier Bolnes (died in 1674), a wealthy couple. The Protestant Johannes converted to Catholicism before the marriage, an uncommon move at the time. Johannes and Catharina had at least 14 children together, 11 of which outlived their father.

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (1654 — 1656) by Johannes VermeerNational Galleries Scotland: National

An ambitious young professional

Early in his career, Vermeer produced history paintings. These works depict Biblical or mythological tales, or stories from literature. At the time, history paintings were regarded as the highest attainable form of painting. After all, you needed to be literate in order to understand and paint these subjects.Recently, a possible new early work by Vermeer was discovered: Saint Praxedis – a history painting. However, leading Vermeer experts disagree on whether the painting is actually by Vermeer. Saint Praxedis is therefore currently not included in Vermeer’s oeuvre in this project.

A Young Woman seated at a Virginal A Young Woman seated at a Virginal by Johannes VermeerThe National Gallery, London

The mother-in-law’s paintings
Vermeer’s early paintings are characterised by their large format and strong contrasts between light and dark. He drew inspiration from the Utrecht painters, who in turn, were influenced by Italian masters such as Caravaggio. Three of these paintings are mentioned amongst the belongings of Vermeer’s mother-in-law Maria. Towards the end of his career, Vermeer included one of these works, The Procuress by Dirck van Baburen, in the background of his Lady Seated at a Virginal. Although he no longer applied the Utrecht painting style at this time, his former source of inspiration is literally visible in this painting.

The Milkmaid (ca.1660) by Vermeer, JohannesRijksmuseum

Scenes of daily life
From 1656 onwards, Vermeer switched to painting smaller-scale interior scenes. These so-called genre paintings were popular, as these scenes of daily life were coveted home decorations at the time. In this period, Vermeer applied his paint in thick layers and added little flecks to the painted surface to suggest the reflection of light.

Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (ca. 1662) by Johannes Vermeer (Dutch, Delft 1632–1675 Delft)The Metropolitan Museum of Art

An established name
In the subsequent years, Vermeer worked his way up from being a fledgling painter to a prominent master. In 1662, he was even appointed head of the Guild of Saint Luke. Over the years, his painting style developed. He applied his paint in thinner layers and introduced a softened incidence of light and gentler contours to his works.

Girl with a Pearl Earring (c. 1665 (digitized by Madpixel)) by Johannes VermeerMauritshuis

In addition to cityscapes, history paintings, allegories and genre paintings, Vermeer also painted several tronies (character heads). These paintings were not intended as portraits of specific people, but were studies of certain ‘types’ of people. Vermeer’s most famous tronie is Girl with a Pearl Earring. The girl in the painting is wearing exotic clothing, an Oriental turban and an improbably large pearl earring.

A Young Woman standing at a Virginal A Young Woman standing at a Virginal (about 1670-2) by Johannes VermeerThe National Gallery, London

Vermeer’s later works
The paintings that Vermeer created later in his career are characterised by flatter brushstrokes, more stylised compositions and sharper contours. It became increasingly difficult to sell paintings in this period. The economic prosperity had come to an end after France, England, Munster and Cologne all simultaneously declared war on the Republic in what came to be known as the rampjaar (‘disaster year’) of 1672. Vermeer’s art dealership failed to weather the storm.

View of Delft (c. 1660 - 1661) by Vermeer, JohannesMauritshuis

The end of the beginning
In 1675, at the age of just 43, Johannes Vermeer died of unknown causes. A little more than a decade earlier, he had depicted the Nieuwe Kerk – where he was christened – in his View of Delft. In fact, the painting also shows Vermeer’s final resting place – the Oude Kerk, where he was buried in 1675. We don’t know for certain whether Johannes Vermeer ever painted a self-portrait. This cityscape, that unites his work and his life, might be the closest we can get to Vermeer as a person.

Credits: Story

This exhibition is part of the Google Vermeer Project.

Girl with a Pearl Earring gigapixel image has been digitized by Madpixel and is part of the Second Canvas Mauritshuis app

Credits: All media

The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

MauritshuisKunsthistorisches Museum WienNational Galleries Scotland: NationalNational Gallery of Art, Washington DCRijksmuseumThe Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe National Gallery, London

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Johannes Vermeer, Life and work - Google Arts & Culture (2024)


What is the message in Vermeer's The Art of painting? ›

Since Hultén called attention to the fact that the young woman represents Clio, there has been widespread acceptance of the idea that Vermeer is alluding in this work to the relationship between painting and history: history inspires the artist and, furthermore, according to the prejudice prevailing in artistic circles ...

Did Vermeer have 11 children? ›

The poignancy of this painting becomes even more evident if we remember that Vermeer had eleven children: Maria, Elisabeth, Cornelia, Aleydis, Beatrix, Johannes, Gertruy, Franciscus, Catharina, Ignatius and one child whose name is unknown (see Vermeer's family tree for biographical notes).

What happened to Vermeer's wife? ›

Years later, after the unhappy couple had been legally separated, Catharina and her mother moved into the quiet Catholic enclave, called the "Papists Corner," in Delft, perhaps, seeking solace from their traumatic life in Gouda.

What was Johannes Vermeer known for? ›

Johannes Vermeer is one of the most famous Dutch painters of the 17th century. He is famous for his intimate household scenes with amazing light. In other paintings by Vermeer, such as the famous Girl with a Pearl Earring and View of Delft, he managed to create a calm, almost timeless atmosphere.

What does the Vermeer painting symbolize? ›

Vermeer was intensely religious, and he encrypted several of his artworks with symbols of spirituality. He lived in the devoutly Protestant Dutch Republic, but was a Catholic convert, and the scales might be an allusion to his minority faith.

What is the theme of Vermeer's paintings? ›

Themes. During the height of his career, in paintings depicting women reading or writing letters, playing musical instruments, or adorning themselves with jewelry, Vermeer sought ways to express a sense of inner harmony within everyday life, primarily in the confines of a private chamber.

How old was Vermeer when he died? ›

In 1675, at the age of just 43, Johannes Vermeer died of unknown causes. A little more than a decade earlier, he had depicted the Nieuwe Kerk – where he was christened – in his View of Delft. In fact, the painting also shows Vermeer's final resting place – the Oude Kerk, where he was buried in 1675.

How many Vermeer paintings survived? ›

By most counts, only thirty-four paintings by Johannes Vermeer survive in the entire world. Of these, five are at The Met, more than at any other museum.

Did Rembrandt and Vermeer meet? ›

Answer and Explanation:

There is no evidence that Johannes Vermeer and Rembrandt van Rijn met during their lifetimes, despite the evident influence the latter had on the former. During Vermeer's early artistic training, Rembrandt was already established as one of the most significant Dutch artists of his generation.

Where was Vermeer buried? ›

Vermeer's final resting place was in a designated "Own Grave" (Eijgen Graff) within the Oude Kerk. As for the burial registry, this took place on 16 December 1675. The grave plot was under the ownership of his mother-in-law, Maria Thins.

What was Vermeer's last name? ›

In 1667, witnessing a legal document in which he was referred to as "Johannes van der Meer, artful painter," the artist signed "Johannes Vermeer." Three years later, evidently, encouraged by the artist who was present, a lawyer crossed out "van der Meer" and wrote above it "Vermeer."

What happened after Vermeer died? ›

The dramatic end of Vermeer's life was told by his widow a year and a half after his death, when she applied to the States of Holland and West Friesland far permission to use the rest of the capital still tied up in the Diewertje van Hensbeeck trust to help bring up her children.

Why was Johannes Vermeer not appreciated when he was alive? ›

Vermeer's fame was not widespread during his lifetime, largely because his paintings were collected by local patrons and because his creative output was small. After his death the paintings continued to be admired by a small group of connoisseurs, primarily in Delft and Amsterdam.

Was Johannes Vermeer religious? ›

Vermeer converted to Catholicism before his marriage, and this painting, which includes a table laden with chalice, missal, and crucifix, may also refer to the celebration of the Mass in "hidden churches" within private homes.

What makes Vermeer so special? ›

One of the main reasons for the Dutch painter Vermeer's fame is his unique style. Unlike many other artists of his time, he did not paint religious or mythological scenes, but rather focused on ordinary people engaged in everyday activities.

What is the art of painting about? ›

The Art of Painting explores the complex relationship between art and history and the importance of the artist's role in society. In the work, a large curtain is drawn back revealing an artist painting a young model.

What was the major subject of Vermeer's paintings? ›

Vermeer specialized in scenes of domestic life, a genre he helped catapult within the Baroque lexicon. Many of his paintings contain the same furnishings or motifs that inhabited his own private studio, and his models were often women that he knew or relatives of patrons.

What is the message that the artist wishes to convey through the artwork? ›

Theme is the message or idea that the artist wishes to convey through their art, or the message received by an audience when observing art.

What is a message of a painting? ›

This message might be an emotion, an idea, a critique, or a question, sparking dialogue and provoking thought. Artwork, therefore, becomes more than just an object of aesthetic appreciation. It transforms into a silent yet powerful conversation between the artist and us.

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